(862) 682-5400
(862) 682-5400
Mr. Chimney Sweep NJ serving Essex County, New Jersey provides professional: Annual Chimney Sweep, Creosote Removal, Annual Inspection, Roof Flashing Repairs and Masonry Rebuilds, Chimney Lining, Crack and Gas Leak Repairs, Correct Improper Drafting, Firebox Repair, Obstruction Removal, Dryer Vent Cleaning, Furnace Flue Sweeps, Cap Installation, and more in Newark, New Jersey.
* location coverage may change without notice, due to contractor availability.
Our customers are our #1 priority. We focus on the quality of our services, and the experience we’re providing, to ensure your satisfaction. We’re always here to help!
In order to ensure that we can meet all of our customers’ needs, our team and business services have evolved over the years. We appreciate the importance of treating our clients and customers with the greatest level of consideration and dedication, in order to provide them with these services.
For that reason, we always prioritize friendly, trustworthy service providers when it comes to meeting your needs. The team we provide, along with competitive prices and excellent services, separates us from the others.
Improve your home’s air flow and prevent hazards caused by soot buildup and obstructions by scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning.
Wood-burning and oil-burning chimneys must be inspected annually. We will look for oil and gas violations during the chimney inspection.
Among our repair services is filling chimney cracks and restoring the structural integrity of the masonry chimney. We can provide our services regardless of the condition of your chimney repair.
Stainless steel chimney caps prevent rain, snow, animals, leaves, water damage, and other debris from entering your chimney.
Regardless of whether you burn gas, oil, or solids in your chimney, a flue liner is essential for routing combustible materials out and away from your exposed brick or stone.
Dryer vents are easy to overlook, but cleaning them regularly is integral to ensuring your home is safe and clean.
Whether you need residential or commercial chimney repair, new chimney flue, chimney leaks or chimney crown replacement, or routine chimney cleaning, Mr. Chimney Sweep NJ can help. We also offer emergency chimney crown repair and respond promptly to all calls and service requests. We proudly serve residential and commercial clients in Newark, East Orange, Newark, East Orange, Harrison and the surrounding areas. Contact us online or call (862) 682-5400 to schedule your service today. We are looking forward to serving you!
If you require chimney sweeps, masonry, and dryer vent cleaning, make sure you contact us right away. We strive to provide you with a quick and convenient appointment scheduling process whenever you call to speak with our chimney professional and friendly service representatives. Furthermore, our prices are unbelievably low, so do not wait to place an order. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
(862) 682-5400
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